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Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Voltaic Generator: Now Your Solar Bag Can Charge Your Laptop

Voltaic Generator has produced an amazing bag capable of powering your laptop. After years of research and only being able to charge small gadgets like iPods and cell phones, Voltaic Finally made a bag that can charge a laptop.

Competitors such as Reware and Eclipse Solar Gear up until this point the technology was able to create bags that produced less than 10w. The Voltaic generator bag can produce an astonishing 14.7w, that's enough to charge a standard laptop.

The Laptop Bag also come with a bevy of goodies including ones for USB, car chargers for major mobile phone brands and other technology so you can plug in and charge.

The bag is to go on sale in the beginning of Q2. All you road warriors out there keep your eye out for this one!